Padel Match Play Software

Padel tennis tournament software for Match Play knockout offers clubs, societies and friends an easy to use online draw.

Padel Tennis Tournament Formats

Padel tennis tournaments using a match play draw can run singles or doubles events in a simple to use interface. Events can be set up as an unseeded or a seeded draw and also used for a Plate or Consolation event.

Tournaments can run over a season, a weekend or a day depending on your needs and Match Play World offers two options for tournament formats.

Knockout Match Play 

Knockout is the classic tournament format that sees winners of each tie advance and losers eliminated. The Match Play World software enables results to be entered, match reports to be posted, users to contact each other to arrange their ties or details of the court and time to be entered.

If required a padel tennis plate tournament can be created with first round losers, which then operates in the same way as a knockout event.

Matrix Match Play

If you would like a padel tennis tournament where every player plays every round then the Match PLay Matrix is the answer. The winner is still the last person left undefeated and Everyone plays someone with the same win record that they have. Therefore players find their level more quickly and have more enjoyable games.

This is a great format for ensuring that players retain interest in a season long event, or get value for money for a one day event.

Like tennis, matches for padel tennis can be played over a defined number of games or sets. Whichever is chosen as the scoring unit, is added together from each match to create the Score Difference for each player. Players are then ranked first by wins and then by Score Difference.