Match Play World Rankings

Match Play World Golf Rankings Criteria

The Match Play World Golf Rankings rank the top men and women professional golfers for match play golf. The golf rankings include singles, foursomes and four-ball golf formats. Rankings are based on performance in team events such as the Ryder Cup, Presidents Cup and Solheim Cup as well as individual match play events on all the major golf tours such as the WGC Match Play

The Match Play World Golf Rankings default to players with results in the last 4 years. Players need to play a minimum of 5 matches in the selected time period to be shown in the rankings. You can change the date selection and type of event to drill down into specific golf match play rankings by sex, event and format.

Players receive 1 point for a win a match and 0.5 points for a tied match in match play scoring. If two players are playing together as a pair then they are both awarded the same number of points. For the overall rankings, points from singles, foursomes and four-ball match play golf formats are combined.

The total number of points earned in the selected time period is then divided by the number of matches played to give an average number of points per match. If players are tied on the same points per match then the player who has played the most matches will be ranked higher. 

Check out the various rankings by clicking the links below: