Match Play World

About Match Play World

The concept for Match Play World originated from the desire to come up with a better solution to what we call the ‘last day problem’ in match play golf tournaments.

In Knockout Match play events, the first few rounds have lots of games, but as you progress to the final, the number of matches on the course decreases. The final is the last day problem where watching 1 or 2 games on the course is pretty slow TV. Even if it is the best players in the world, which often it is not.

To solve the problem we created the Match Play Matrix® format where every player plays every round, but the winner is still the last player left undefeated.

The Matrix also ensures that there are no dead or uneven games that the WGC Match Play group stages created.

Running our early Matrix events with users via traditional spreadsheets and pdfs highlighted the other main issue with amateur events. This was the lack of specialist online match play software for sports to manage and communicate the draw and results.

Therefore Match Play World aims to bring you the best match play formats with the best online event software to run them. This means that event organisers, competitors and spectators can focus on enjoying the social and competitive benefits of match play.